Canon Powershot Photo Share

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Splash of Life | freshwater

Splash Water Cibeureum Waterfall

Bogor Night City Light

Refresh for a while that what i do and my friend maone to get this place, prepare from couple days before D-Day but bad whether made some of the other's cancel the trip. But not for me and maone. We decided to keep get going, get some fresh air, fresh view, fresh trip, but fast as quick as you feel just sleep in the night. The photo above taken when i try to get the splash water when maone washed his face from saliva that he got when sleeping. lol

The next photo is taken at the place known as "gantole" it is quite high spot at bogor. In day this place ussually used as the place for paragliding to take of. Before i came here in jakarta the wheter is rain, but when i got here about 11pm i got lucky and seeing this beautiful view. hopely some day i could get here with my family, my beloved. Syukur to Alloh for the all, what i got..

Just enjoy your life capture every moment with your powershot camera, pray well, work well, live well, and die well in the way that Muhammad told us..



  1. Hey bro, nice shot!! keep posting. btw, your model in this photo very cool, calm, and confidence. Is he a supermodel ? how I can contact him. Thanks

    1. thanks bro, he is not supermodel he is suburmodel.. lol
